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Tone of Life deepens the human experience of healing through the spectrum of Sound.

For over 20 years, we have toured the globe to support people to learn about emergent & embodied Sound through performances and gong baths, sound healing trainings, immersions and retreats.

Upcoming Events


16 July - 21 July, 2024


This is the largest festival in Poland about holistic, natural care for yourself and your surroundings, ecology, development and living in harmony...


Weekend Immersion:
Flowing with Autumn

19 Sept - 22 Sept, 2024

Tone of Life Centre, Jubrique

To us healing is simply self awareness, acceptance (even what we cannot accept), being present in everything we do and, amongst many other things sustaining a daily practice...

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9-Day Intensive Gong & Sound Therapy Training

15 Nov - 24 Nov, 2024

Tone of Life Centre, Jubrique

Join us on a Magical journey through the mystery of Sound... Our 9 day Intensive Gong and Sound Therapy Retreat is tailored for everyone...

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Wed, 24 July, 2024


Zapraszamy na Warsztaty na którym bÄ™dziesz miaÅ‚/miaÅ‚a możliwość nauki, praktycznego doÅ›wiadczenia indywidualnego...

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China Tour - 2024

8 to 20 October

Shanghai & Beijing

We are delighted to announce that this October we will be packing our Gongs, Instruments and Yoga Mats to go to share our Sound Medicine in China.

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We teach people to feel and transform through the tones that are unfolding in their life through creating, receiving, and sharing sound healing and sound practices.

Sometimes we experience life as a cacophony and it’s our dharma to take that cacophony, and find the inhale, the exhale, the tension and the release, and the expansion and contraction… Through gentle encouragement, we remember all the natural processes to connect with ourselves, and we do it through sound.



You are welcome to contact us anytime at, or send us a note here. We want to make this site accessible to all who support us on this journey and those who wish to become part of our community.  If you would like information in Polish or Spanish, please get in touch here.


Deseamos que este sitio sea accesible para todos quienes nos apoyan en este viaje y quienes quieren ser parte de esta comunidad.  Si deseas recibir información en Polaco o Español, por favor contactanos aqui.


Chcemy aby ta strona byÅ‚a dostÄ™pna dla wszystkich którzy nas wspierali nas w Naszej podróży i tych , którzy chcÄ… być częściÄ… naszej spoÅ‚ecznoÅ›ci. JeÅ›li chcesz otrzymać wiÄ™cej informacji w jÄ™zyku polskim lub hiszpaÅ„skim napisz do nas.

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